
Veneers beautify teeth that would otherwise compromise a nice smile. The veneer application process begins with an initial review where intraoral photos are taken. The dentist will also take dental x-rays and conduct a comprehensive examination to gauge if you are a solid candidate for veneers. If you are planning on whitening your teeth, do it prior to the addition of veneers to prevent color variations.

The teeth must be properly prepared for the addition of veneers. The dentist will remove a small amount of enamel from the teeth to accommodate the veneer. A local anesthetic will be provided to ensure you are comfortable throughout the removal process. A mold of the teeth is taken using an intraoral scanner or a putty impression. A shade guide is used to guarantee the veneer color matches that of the surrounding teeth. The shade and impression are transmitted to a dental lab where the customized porcelain veneer is made to fit your specific teeth. You will be provided with a temporary veneer until the point at which the final veneers are ready so there is no reason to be concerned about your personal esthetic during this period of time.